Dr. Leon Kass in his recent book “Founding God’s Nation: Reading Exodus (Reviewed Wall Street Journal Saturday/Sunday Jan 9-10 2021) makes the contemporary point that Exodus is foundational to Religion in that it established the three great pillars of faith.
“As Rousseau argued 250 years ago, this timeless book remains an indispensable resource for thinking about the good life and the good community, freedom and law, justice and holiness, and the meaning and purpose of our existence. It deserves-and rewards-our most serious attention.”
We Start with Deliverance: Exodus 1-18 recounts the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to Sinai. A Journey of Deliverance and Freedom. After reviewing this please read the following:
Discussion: How does the journey referenced relate to our Christian experience today?
Discussion: How does the hardening experienced by Pharaoh and the Israelites inform our relationship with God today. If you read these texts and others it becomes clear that the journey of the Israelites from Egypt has a direct relationship to our Christian journey today. Let’s discuss not just the historical journey how it shapes who we are today.
Listen to the book of Genesis from BibleGateway: ESV, KJV, MSG, NIV, NKJV
Short Outline of Exodus from Today's English Version