January 4, 2025 - Genesis
Teacher: Darrell Rott
Darrell will be focusing the study on the Covenants mentioned in Genesis and throughout the Bible.
- Edenic Covenant: Genesis 2:15
- Adamic Covenant: Genesis 3:14-19
- Noahic Covenant: Genesis 9:11
- Abrahamic Covenant: Genesis 12:1-3; Galatians 3:7-12
- Mosaic Covenant: Exodus 19:3-8
- Davidic Covenant: 2 Samuel 7:9-19; Psalms 89
- The New Covenant: Hebrews 8:1-13; Ezekiel 36:22-32
Listen to the book of Genesis from BibleGateway: ESV, KJV, MSG, NIV, NKJV
Short Outline of the Book of Genesis from the Today's English Version:
- Creation of the universe and of mankind (1:1 – 2:25)
- The beginning of sin and suffering (3:1-24)
- From Adam To Noah (4:1 – 5:32)
- Noah and the flood (6:1 – 10:32)
- The tower of Babylon (11:1-9)
- From Shem to Abram (11:10-32)
- The patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (12:1 – 35:29)
- The descendants of Esau (36:1-43)
- Joseph and his brothers (37:1 – 45:28)
- The Israelites in Egypt (46:1 – 50:26)
January 11, 2025 - Exodus
Teacher: Gordy Gates
- What is the archaeological evidence for the Exodus?
- The longest description of God's character in the Bible is found in Exodus. Can you find its location?
- Why did Moses need to take off his sandals at the burning bush?
- As you read, observe the development of Abrahamic monotheism in the book of Exodus.
Listen to the book of Exodus from BibleGateway: ESV, KJV, MSG, NIV, NKJV
Short Outline of the Book of Exodus from the Today's English Version:
- The Israelites set free from Egypt (1:1 – 15:21)
- Slaves in Egypt (1:1-22)
- Moses’ birth and early life (2:1 – 4:31)
- Moses and Aaron confront the king of Egypt (5:1 – 11:10)
- The Passover and the departure from Egypt (12:1 – 15:21)
- From the Red Sea to Mount Sinai (15:22 – 18:27)
- The Law and the covenant (19:1 – 24:18)
- The Covenant Tent and instructions for worship (25:1 – 40:38)
January 18, 2025 - Leviticus
Teacher: Walter Sackett
Is there enough in the Torah for us to be saved? Is there enough for us to have a trusting relationship with God? Do we need the New Testament?
Listen to the book of Leviticus from BibleGateway: ESV, KJV, MSG, NIV, NKJV
Short Outline of the Book of Leviticus from the Today's English Version:
- Laws about offerings and sacrifices (1:1 – 7:38)
- The ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests (8:1 – 10:20)
- Laws about ritual cleanness and uncleanness (11:1 – 15:33)
- The Day of Atonement (16:1-34)
- Laws about holiness in life and worship (17:1 – 27:34)
January 25, 2025 - Numbers
Teacher: Mark Johnson
Listen to the book of Numbers from BibleGateway: ESV, KJV, MSG, NIV, NKJV
Short Outline of the Book of Numbers from the Today's English Version:
- The Israelites prepare to leave Mount Sinai (1:1 – 9:23)
- The first census (1:1 – 4:49)
- Various laws and rules (5:1 – 8:26)
- The second Passover (9:1 – 21:35)
- From Mount Sinai to Moab (10:1 – 21:35)
- Summary of the journey from Egypt to Moab (33:1-49)
- Instructions before crossing the Jordan (33:50 – 36:13)
February 1, 2025 - Deuteronomy
Teacher: Stephen King
Listen to the book of Deuteronomy from BibleGateway: ESV, KJV, MSG, NIV, NKJV
Short Outline of the Book of Deuteronomy from the Today's English Version:
- Moses’ first discourse (1:1 – 4:49)
- Moses’ second discourse (5:1 – 26:19)
- The Ten Commandments (5:1 – 10:22)
- Laws, rules, and warnings (11:1 – 26:19)
- Instructions for entering Canaan (27:1 – 28:68)
- The covenant renewed (29:1 – 30:20)
- Moses’ last words (31:1 – 33:29)
- The death of Moses (34:1-12)