Teaching Series
The Radical Call of Jesus
Monday—Radical Solutions

Series: The Radical Call of Jesus
Message: Radical Solutions
Preacher: Japhet De Oliveira
Daily Walk: Japhet De Oliveira

Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 106:1–5.

Read: Revelation 19:1–20:15 (NLT). As you read the New Living Translation, note 1–3 insights.

Reflect: Steve Case and Daniel Wysong in their study commentary, Finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation, highlight a deeper significance of “Hallelujah” in this passage that is worth noting. 

Hallelujah…means “Praise God!” We find it 24 times in the Old Testament songbook called “Psalms.” In the New Testament, the word appears only four times, and all four of those are in this passage. 

…There are four hallelujahs. The first rejoices that God’s judgments are right. Babylon has been wrong all along, and the judgment made it clear to all. The blood of God’s people is finally avenged. Justice is served. Persecutions have been removed. Hallelujah!

The second hallelujah comes in response to the smoke of Babylon’s destruction rising forever and ever. This means Babylon’s fall is permanent and irreversible. In other words, sin will never come back. Hallelujah!. 

The third hallelujah comes from the 24 elders and the four living creatures around the throne of God. What happens on earth has tremendous significance in heaven. Following Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, all heaven celebrated his enthronement. Now the throne room erupts in praise because God has brought sin to an end. Earth will now be like heaven. Amen! Hallelujah!

The fourth hallelujah is the mighty roar of all creation proclaiming: “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God reigns!” His Kingdom is finally come! His will is finally done on earth as it is in heaven. Our God reigns over all and in all! Hallelujah! (pp. 147-148)

This is rapid fire from John; we have come through some heavy chapters, complex metaphors, and the radical call of Jesus on our lives has had serious implications. We have all made choices and with those choices two clear sides have appeared. The final steps to remove sin are in place. We can all start to sense that pain and suffering are coming to an end. This radical solution is worth shouting "Hallelujah!" over. 

Recalibrate: ​​​Until that day, are there glimpses of the Kingdom of God that you can see or even create today? Are there moments of justice and mercy that you can live?

Respond: Pray for opportunities to serve Jesus.

Research: Remind yourself what the 24 elders and four living creatures represent.

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