Series: The Mvmnt
Message: Infighting and Growth
Preacher: Monica Wernick
Reflection: Japhet De Oliveira
Live Wonder: Zan Long
Live Adventure: Zan Long
Live Purpose: Jessyka Albert
Editor: Becky De Oliveira
Refresh: Begin today in prayer. Ask God for understanding through the Holy Spirit and for God’s character to be revealed.
Read: Acts 6:1-7 in the New Living Translation (NLT). Note 1–3 insights or questions.
Reflect: If you were to ask the elders or Vision Board members at my church in Boulder how many times a year our management chart gets updated, the answer would be six to eight times. This is simply the result of continual growth and a response to the challenge of a deeply-embed value we hold: 100% faith engagement. There are some models of churches in which a 10/90 or 20/80 split occurs. In the first example, this would mean that ten percent of the church is engaged in some active form of leadership and the other ninety percent is supported by them. There are some others who choose also the one in seven model, which has lots of value too. In our particular setting, the 100% model takes the approach that every single person has something that they can and should offer in service. We see the incredible potential of people—if only they would step up and fulfill their mission. President John J Kennedy famously said, “And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” We would extend the same challenge to the members of our church.
Creating a culture of change, while innovative and nimble, brings its own sets of problems. The pace is constant. It is not the result of one creative mind, but rather the unleashing of what God has wired all of us with internally. The desire people have to be creative means that lots of ideas flow and ministry has to be adjusted all the time. New people discover Jesus and want to be engaged in their own faith walk. That discipleship path has to be created. Space has to be made to accommodate everyone.
Churches that have not seen anyone new join them in a few years become very comfortable with routines. This is not true only of churches. It is the same for companies, schools, clubs, even supermarkets or roads. I am pretty sure that the road construction taking place a few hundred feet from my house has been going on for at least 500 years. I anticipate that I will die before they finish the new route. Of course, every now and again, I notice that some small progress has been made and my heart races with hope for an early completion date to only have it shattered by reality. They just keep working. With that in mind, I give our church a lot of grace. Locally, nationally, and globally. Every single change is difficult; none are easy. We hope change creates growth, but it is often painful.
Recalibrate: What change should your church made and why have you not lead it?
Respond: Pray for the strategic mind to find a way forward.
Research: What are you top five strengths? Go online and take the test.
Recharge: Wonder/Adventure/Purpose
Teething is such a pain. We wish our babies did not have to suffer the swollen gums and the endless dribble, but underneath all that pain there are little white pearls lining up to make an appearance. Keep an eye out for pearls today. They are often introduced by pain.
Tell about what happened last Saturday at church from the minute you walked inside to the minute you left. What did you learn, who did you talk to, what kind of crafts did you do? Did you see a lot of people helping out at church? What is something you wish you could do to help at church?
Everyone has something to bring to the table. Go online to to take a free personality test. What are some of the strengths you can bring to your family, relationship, school, and church?