Teaching Series
Committed to . . .
John 10:1-10

Series: Committed 
Message: Adaptability
Preacher: Japhet De Oliveira

Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 56:8-13.

Read: John 10:1-10 — As you re-read for the final time this week in the ESV translation, what did you discover new about God’s character?

Reflect: John 9 continues in verse 40. Some of the Pharisees near him heard these things, and said to him, "Are we also blind?" 41 Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no guilt; but now that you say, 'We see,' your guilt remains.
Jesus is right there in front of them. Healing with salvia and soil...the perfect dirty, dusty mud. Performing miracles to tug at their hearts and revealing Himself. Yet they cannot see Him. Yet they remain blind. Yet they are guilty. Not for the lack of Jesus but for their lack of acceptance.
So back to their dilemma...which has now become our dilemma: Our struggle if the truth be told. Do we in fact prefer the darkness. The ability to deny, to extend our exploration that requires no action. To ignore those in need and reject the One who can transform. To abandon all change for the sake of repetition and false safety. 
Are we open to have our sight restored? Are we opened to be healed? To live now in the kingdom of God and reflect Jesus in every breath. To find strength and freedom in Jesus. To discover the truth is not complete unless it is Jesus. To taste that life is not lived unless Jesus is the force. To know love is only real when it flows from a heart connected to Jesus. That is sight. The more you need Jesus, the more he will be there...the more you ask the more he will answer. Sight is what we want and only Jesus gives us Sight!

Recalibrate: ​ 

  1. We are called to proclaim the Good News. What changes need to take place in your life and in your Church for the story to be shared clearly?

Respond: Pray for forgiveness and sight.

Research: Read one of the books or commentaries for this series.

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