Teaching Series
Grow Strong
Friday—Growing Whom?

Series: Grow Strong

Sermon: Growing Whom?

Speaker and Writer: Jessyka Albert

Refresh: Start with a prayer. Ask for the Holy Spirit to open your heart to new understanding and for God’s character to be revealed.

Read: Matthew 13:1-43 (ESV).  As you read this text a second time in the English Standard Version, what new insights did you discover about God’s character?

Reflect: Jesus also compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed. This teeny, tiny little seed grows larger than many other plants that started out from bigger seeds. This is such an incredible description of the kingdom of God and of our faith. We often underestimate the power of something small, but for those of you who have children, I’m sure you can testify that the littlest people can have the biggest impact on our lives. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson is quoted saying, “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” When we invest in one acorn, one mustard seed, one child, the results will be extraordinary! The kingdom of heaven is like a tiny seed, and when it is rooted in our hearts, it cannot be stopped or controlled. 

Take a moment to think through this metaphor that Jesus lays before us. How is the kingdom of God spreading like a mustard plant in your life? If it’s not, what areas of your life need to be nurtured to help the plant grow?

Children are naturally inclined to Live Wonder, Adventure, and Purpose, but how are we fueling those things to allow them to grow the Kingdom of Heaven in their lives?

When we don’t live in wonder of God, how do we expect to lead our kids to experience wonder in God? When kids see their parents, grandparents, and adults living in awe of God and all He has done and is doing in their lives, it causes them to experience not just the wonder of the world around them, but the wonder of the One who created the world.

When we don’t allow Jesus to take us on an adventure, how do we expect our kids to join in the adventure of following Jesus? When we journey every day with Jesus, learning new things, remaining open to where He calls us, it causes children to crave not just adventure in the world around them, but to crave an adventure in following Jesus wherever He leads them.

When we don’t allow Jesus to define us and give us purpose, how do we expect our kids to put Jesus first and allow Him to be their identity? When we allow God (not our jobs or circumstances) to provide the purpose in our lives, our kids learn to lean not on external situations to give them purpose, but on Jesus' ultimate vision for their lives.

Recalibrate: How are you representing a growing mustard seed to future generations?

Respond: Pray for God to remind you of where you’ve been and where you’re going.

Research: Watch Amy Purdy’s "Living Beyond Limits."

Wonder: Little, tiny seeds can grow in to big trees. Take time to pray with your child and thank Jesus that He makes even the littlest of seeds to grow into something tall and strong.

Adventure: Draw a little speck on a paper to represent the mustard seed. Now draw a plant in its different stages of growth, getting bigger and bigger until it’s a fully grown tree. This is what Jesus does for us. He helps us grow big and strong. 

Purpose: When you were growing as a kid, were you patient or were you frustrated that you weren’t as tall as some of your friends? What are some things you might be impatient about when it comes to your emotional, mental, and spiritual growth?

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