Series: It's All Good
Message: The Art of Gratitude
Preacher: Dena King
Daily Walk: Dena King
Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 111.
Read: Luke 17:11–19 (ESV). Re-read in the English Standard Version for new insights or questions.
Reflect: In the story of the ten lepers that Jesus healed, only one returned to say “thank you.” Does this sound familiar to you? Are you going above and beyond for your boss, your family, your friends and it is a thankless job? For parents of little ones this happens often. Children, especially very small ones, have lots and lots of needs to be met, but saying thank you is not yet part of their vocabulary.
In the Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary on Luke, there is a note about this story that says, “Don’t give up, even if 90 percent of the people you help fade away without a word of thanks. God is at work in the world, even, or maybe especially, in the unmapped places where people feel most estranged from what’s holy.”
Although Jesus sounded surprised when He asked, “I healed ten, where are the other nine?” He must have been used to this situation. He, no doubt, performed many healings with no thanks at all. And He most likely knew before He performed this miracle that they would not all be grateful. But He did it anyway.
Jesus sets the prime example for us. Regardless of the outcome, we must continue to do as much good as possible and serve as many people as we can. Not for the gratitude or reward but because we can, in just a minuscule way, be like Jesus.
Recalibrate: When I serve others am I focused on the gratitude I think I should be receiving?
How did Jesus keep from getting discouraged by giving so much and receiving so little in return?
Respond: Pray for the grace to extend more gratitude than you receive this week.
Research: Google and read James Clear’s article, “Make Your Life Better by Saying Thank You in These 7 Situations.”