Series: Resilience
Message: Safety
Preacher: Japhet De Oliveira
Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 22:1-8.
Read: Daniel 10-12 - As you read in the ESV translation, note 1-3 insights/questions that arise.
Reflect: Zdravko Stefanovic in his Commentary on Daniel “Wisdom to the Wise” p. 377 shares that “Chapter 10 of Daniel is classified as the ‘prophetic call vision.’ It serves as a prologue to the revelation given chapters 11 and 12, which form a single unit with chapter 10.” Daniel had spent 21 days in preparation for the Day of Atonement, but at the end of those days he receives a new vision. The river Tigris is one of the two rivers from Genesis 2:14 that flowed from the Garden of Eden. Some suggest that this was intentional since it ties into the promise given to Abraham Genesis 15:18 that his land would expand far beyond the regular borders. So the vision that appears is far greater than a local application. As we enter the chapter a new being is introduced with language that far supersedes a description for an angel. It is far closer to the Ancient of Days from Daniel 7. The gold referred to is the best that existed Jeremiah 10:9, compared to the regular gold 1 Kings 9:28. There is a direct contrast to the eyes of the little horn Daniel 7:8 and the eyes of this being “like flaming torches”. For these reasons we believe it was Jesus who appeared before Daniel. Daniel expends a lot of energy to show that only he saw the vision, but that the light was so powerful everyone with him ran away, which sends an echo to Isaiah 2:19 as the majesty of God is overwhelming. No sooner has the prescience of Jesus appeared and gone, Gabriel the angel appears now to Daniel who is lying face-down in awe of God. Daniel 10:10, has Gabriel touch Daniel to draw his attention to the message.
Respond: Pray for safety.
Research: “…Nor did I anoint myself at all” Daniel 10:3, perfumed oil was used in the Bible, read 2 Samuel 14:2; Isaiah 61:3 and Matthew 6:17. While covering your head with ashes meant sadness and anguish Daniel 9:3, oil, was gladness and feasting Ecclesiastics 9:8. How could we use oil today?