Teaching Series
Daniel 10-12

Series: Resilience
Message: Safety
Preacher: Japhet De Oliveira

Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 22:27-31.

Read: Daniel 10-12 - Re-read in the ESV translation for new insights/questions.  

Reflect: The angel Gabriel seeing that Daniel is overwhelmed reaches forward and touches his lips, this is the second time and it is similar to two other prophets as seen in Isaiah 6:7 and Jeremiah 1:19. Daniel explains that he is helpless and weak, and Gabriel touches him a third time, Daniel 10:18, and not only gives him strength but speakers words of courage, safety and hope into Daniel. He expands the story and asks Daniel if he knows why this vision is taking place Daniel 10:20, only to explain that there is a large cosmic battle at play. Gabriel of course has Michael on his side, that is Jesus, and so the outcome of the battle is guaranteed. You are safe Daniel.  This message of safety continues even through the span of history.  As we search for application in Daniel 11, Zdravko Stefanovic in his Commentary on Daniel “Wisdom to the Wise” p. 416 advises prudence and humility:

“There is general agreement among scholars that the subject of the first four verses of Daniel 11 are the empires of Persia and Greece. Most scholars also agree that verses 5-13 cover the period of the divided Greek kingdom. However, verse 14 marks the beginning of a diversity of applications. The application to the history of the Church (“historicism”) limits the attention given to Antiochus Epiphanes to verse 14b and 15, which are followed by a much longer description of the Roman power in both its civil (vv. 16-20) and religious (vv. 21-39) phases. This application projects the events described in verses 40-45 into the future, and here the interpreter should proceed with the utmost prudence and humility."


  1. Why did God give these insights to Daniel?
  2. Children are most often comforted by being held, what does that mean for adults?
  3. How can we practically comfort people today?

Respond: Pray for the opportunity to engage and care for someone.

Research: Explore why verses Daniel 11:40-45 are so complex? 

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